Privacy Notice

Hello, we’re walletii.

We provide you with mobile payment services.
In this privacy notice, we explain how we collect, use and protect your personal data when you sign up for and use our services.

Our full company name is:
Oman OFT International S.A.O.C
Muscat Grand Mall
P.O Box: 847
P.C 111 Al Khuwair
Sultanate of Oman

Commercial Registration number: 1491449

If you have a question or a problem

You can contact our data protection officer at to ask a question or exercise your rights or choices about our privacy practices.

How does walletii use personal data?

Providing our services
We provide payment services and deliver key features of our service to you, such as operating our mobile application, sending and receiving payments, integrating with payment partners, or displaying transaction history and payment status.
Identification Authentication Employment Contact Financial Transaction Connection
Preventing money laundering, fraud and financial crime
We are required by law to conduct customer due diligence and take actions to prevent money laundering, fraud and other illegal activities. We verify your identity and check your presence on sanctions lists, results of adverse media searches, and links to politically exposed persons, to make sure you are using our services legitimately.

We receive industry alerts, analyse interactions with our services, and assess whether your activities match patterns of previous fraudulent or criminal behaviour. We may block transactions or suspend accounts we believe to be fraudulent or unauthorised, or that violate our terms.
Identification Employment Contact Due diligence Transaction
Improving our services
We analyse how people engage with our application, website and services so that we can improve our services and develop new products or features. For example, we might use personal data and other observations to make our application easier to use or our fraud and financial crime screening more accurate.

We use cookies and other online tools to understand how visitors use our application, website and services, to analyse how effective they are, and to test how people might respond to changes to our application, site and services.
Transaction Usage Connection
Communicating with you about our services
We send you messages about our services, like payment notifications or alerts for changes. If you need help, we communicate with you to provide customer support.

We track open rates and measure the effectiveness of our communications.
Identification Contact Financial Transaction Usage Connection Preferences
Marketing and advertising to you
We may market to you about our services or carefully selected third parties based on your use of our services. This may include contacting you with information about new developments, offers and special promotions by telephone, text messages, email, in-app push notifications and on the web. You have choices about how we do this, and can tell us not to when you register or by contacting us afterwards.
Identification Contact Financial Transaction Usage Connection Preferences
Investigating claims and other legal activities
Where we believe it is necessary to protect our legal rights and interests and the interests of others, we use personal data in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory and audit functions, and in connection with the acquisition, merger or sale of a business. Under exceptional circumstances, we may be required by law to provide personal data to law enforcement agencies, courts or others in connection with claims and other litigation.
Identification Authentication Employment Contact Due diligence Financial Transaction Usage Connection

What personal data do we use?

When you set up and use a walletii account, we collect personal data about you. Some of that data is what you provide on registration, and we also collect data from other sources. Usually, this will be when you use our services, make enquiries, register or request information or other services, or respond to communications from us.

The personal data we have includes:
1.    Information about you
  • Identification information: your name, birthdate, gender and nationality.
  • Authentication information: the passcode you set to access the application, and answers to security questions used to reset your passcode.
  • Employment information: job title, employer name and salary range.
  • Contact information: phone number, email address, language setting and home address.
  • Due diligence information: - a copy of your national or resident ID, a selfie of you holding it up so that we can verify that it’s yours, and the ID type, number and expiration date. - positive matches on sanctions and other financial crime alert lists, and the reasons for the match.
2.    Information about your payments
  • Financial information, such as your payment card number, the account holder name, expiration date and CVV/CVC.
  • Transaction information, such as the name of the person or company you pay using our services, a description and ID for the transaction, and the payment amount. For remittances, we may also need to collect purpose of the transaction, the source of funds, and the receiver's relationship to you.
3.    Information about how you use our product
  • Usage information, such as how you enter data on our application or website and how long it takes, and whether you opened an email or clicked a link. how you came to our website, which pages you visit and what you do while you’re there, how long you remain on a page or view a video, whether you opened an email or clicked a link, records of your contact by phone, email, and the reasons for the communication. (To collect this data we use cookies and other tracking technologies)
  • Connection information, such as the type of device you use to access our services, operating system and version, device identifiers, network information, IP address and location derived from your IP address. To collect this data we use cookies and other tracking technologies.
  • Preferences, such as the types of services that may interest you, channels of communication, whether you have agreed to receive marketing information about our services, or whether you have opted out.

Your rights and choices

You have rights under privacy and data protection law. These include the right to ask for a copy of your personal data, to correct, delete or restrict processing of it, and to obtain personal data in a format you can share with a new provider. These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that we have a legal requirement to retain your data.

You can contact our privacy team to ask a question about our privacy practices or exercise your rights. If you have unresolved concerns, you may have the right to complain to a data protection authority.

We engage in sales, marketing and lead generation activities. We respect your right to opt out of these activities, which you can do at any time by changing your preference setting, clicking the “unsubscribe” link in one of our emails or asking a walletii caller to take you off our lists.

What authorises our processing of your personal data?

We process personal data only where we have appropriate legal grounds.
1.    Performing a contract

In most cases, the data we collect and the things we use it for are necessary for us to provide our payment services to you. For example, when we execute a payment transaction, provide our mobile application, or show a transaction history.

2.    Complying with law

Some of the activities we undertake are necessary to comply with our legal and other obligations as a payment provider.
For example, we process personal data for:
  • Anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance
  • Fraud prevention, customer protection and security
  • Activities connected with claims and litigation.
3.    With your consent

In some cases, we process personal data with your specific and informed consent. We tell you in the service where you can make a choice or grant consent. If you have granted consent, you may withdraw it at any time to stop any further processing.

How is personal data protected?

We apply and regularly test a set of information security controls that meet industry best practices and the requirements of our financial services license.

How is personal data shared?

We share personal data with recipients under lawful conditions as required to perform our services or operate our business. Recipients include:

Parties in your transaction
We share personal data with the merchants, payees and financial institutions involved in a transaction, wherever they might be located.

Service providers
Other companies help us conduct the activities described in this privacy notice. We work with service providers who have access to personal data when they provide us with services, like due diligence, technical infrastructure, web and app development, and marketing tools. We impose strict restrictions on how service providers store, use and share data on our behalf.

OFT companies
Other companies in the OFT Group help us provide our regulated services from the country where they are located. For example, support for our regulated services is provided from OFT International LLC and Ooredoo Financial Services LLC, both in Qatar, and they may handle personal data to provide these services to walletii. All OFT companies are governed by our global data protection compliance program and subject to this privacy notice.

To a purchaser of our business
If ownership or control of all or part of our business or assets changes, we may transfer personal data to the new owner. If the owner will use the data for purposes other than those disclosed here, they will take the steps required by law to ensure such purposes remain lawful.

Other exceptional circumstances
We share personal data when we think it’s reasonably necessary to enforce agreements or terms, or comply with law, regulation, legal process or government request.
We share personal data with government agencies and other third parties if we believe it is reasonably necessary to protect the security of our services; to protect OFT and our partners, payers or the public from harm or illegal activities, or to respond to an emergency.